Unser Steckbrief
Company Profile
Was wir können
Die Version-X versteht sich als Ansprechpartner für Unternehmen und Organisationen in allen Belangen der EDV mit Schwerpunkt auf Software Lizenzen. Damit Hand in Hand geht die Beratung in Hinblick auf die Auswahl, die optimale Anpassung an die notwendigen Prozesse und die korrekte Lizenzierung um letztlich die Kosten für Software zu optimieren. Die klassische Telefonie im Büro hat sich gewandelt und ist heute eng mit der EDV verknüpft, mehr dazu im Abschnitt Telefonie. Zu den traditionellen WebServices wie die Erstellung und Wartung von Webseiten, Domäne-Verwaltung und -Hosting kam zuletzt das Thema eLearning dazu an dem heute vor allem größere Unternehmen nicht mehr vorbeikommen.
WebServices und Datensicherheit
Ihre Daten bleiben bei uns im Haus.
Hosting von Webseiten und eMail-Accounts laufen auf unseren eigenen Servern. Ein Backup System, redundante Netzgeräte und eine leistungsstarke USV Anlage bieten hohe Ausfallssicherheit.
What we do
Building on the principles of business consulting Version-X is an adviser and domestic supplier of IT- and Telecom Services. The business approach is customer oriented specializing in fulfillment of customer needs rather than specializing on certain products. The company provides full service capability to support all products sold through direct sales. A help desk service is available for the “Software-OnlineShop” where selected business software is offered online.
Software – our focus
Distribution and Reseller Partner of selected companies such as Scooter Software, Steema, Aspose and others. Reseller and /or Affiliate for a high number of other renowned software developers.
Our markets
Large enterprises and government organizations are serviced by “VX License Service” a process where Version-X acts a purchaser of software licenses and cares about maintenance contracts for those companies interested in optimizing their TIC/TOC . These services are provided also in co-operation with a number of leading Austrian IT solution providers.
Version-X is Gold Partner of Agfeo Telecommunication Systems. The integration of telephone exchanges and computer networks leads us to our Network and WebServices.
VX WebPower, the Web-service package of Version-X helps small and medium sized companies to start up with e-commerce at low cost. The services range from Web –design, -production, – maintenance and – hosting, up to shop and B2B solutions.
Lately E-learning Llicensing and development support was addes to our portfolio.
E-learning and WebServices are suppoted also by our partner company for the Middle East „SkilzME“ in Dubai https://skillzme.com/
English versus German
The English content of this page is primirarily intended to be an information for our partner developers and suppliers around the world.
Product descriptions in the software section are usually brief and in German, intended to be a quick information for our customers. Where we feel it is importand we link to the pages of our partners.
A brief History
The company has been founded in the year 2000 by a group of computer enthusiasts who found an urgent need for better professional consulting services when it comes to making an investment in IT systems and especially in software. You may remember the rumors about the „Millennium Bug“. We often have been asked „is my software up to date and will it still work tomorrow?“
Based upon this background the „Version-X GmbH“, a limited company, was founded by 4 family members. Now more than 20 years later we are looking back to several organizational adjustments in order to keep pace with the fast changing IT environment.
Starting with offices in 2 locations in Vienna, we are now located in Maria Enzersdorf about 4 km south of the city. The number of permanent employees has been adjusted over the years, now we have a pool of very specialized freelancers working on a project basis.
Managing Director: Guenter K. Hovorka (CEO)
email: ghovorka@version-x.at
Senior Technical Manager: Dieter G. Hovorka (CTO)
email: dhovorka@version-x.at